My Journey: Learning the Science of Lash Lifting
LASH LIFT TALKS with Megan Melmoth

We all know the basic premise of lash extensions and can easily find an artist who does great extensions work. But what about Lash Lifts? The topic of lash lifts have grown over the past couple years as women are looking for more natural, healthy options for their lashes, but it’s not as widely discussed or advertised. Well let’s discuss it; let’s talk LASH LIFTS!
My name is Megan, and like most Lash Artists, I started my career learning Classic Lash Extensions. The idea of learning Lash Lifting wasn’t even in my scope of interest because quite frankly, I hadn’t heard much about it and I didn’t even think it was an option. Until I joined Keravie Lash Loft, and was awakened to a whole new avenue of knowledge and opportunity.
I must admit, I was far more nervous to learn Lash Lifting than I was lash extensions. Lash extensions are all about technique and skill and practice. And while Lash Lifting also encompasses technique, skill, and practice, it really is a Science. As intimidating as it was at first, the learning process was very straight forward and extremely interesting.

The Keratin Lash Lift course I took with Keravie was very well designed and really was an elevated level of information and learning regarding lashes, hair characteristics, and lifting methodology. When taking the course, we completed theory, then watched demonstrations, then got to practice and complete a series of models. While I found the first model work with Extensions to be very frustrating and taxing, the model work for my first Lash Lift was so exciting and fun! The whole process felt very calm and it was easy to follow the steps, and to achieve success. That being said, I’m 100% confident that with the proper training, anyone can become a lash lifting expert, even without any prior lash experience!

Let me introduce to you my very first Keratin Lash Lift I did back in 2018, and while these look great, my Lash Lifting game only continued to get better the more I learned and practiced, especially after completing the Master Class! I was really able to hone in and perfect my Lifts, and provide a more customized experience for my clients. And don’t get me wrong, there have been some challenging times; along with successes come some fails. That’s where the science behind Lash Lifting really comes in. It takes knowing and understanding how hair works, and the components of it, in order to accurately choose the proper processing times for you clients. There have been times where I haven't processed clients long enough or haven't gotten a good enough pull when lifting the lashes, however those small fails (which were easily corrected) have only opened the door for more learning and growth.
There is continuous learning to be done with Lash Lifting. It goes so much more beyond just getting those lashes lifted, curled, and tinted. There are different techniques to learn for different eye shapes, methods of straightening out curly or kinked lashes, creating different effects, and so much more. If you’re like me and love to constantly be learning new skills, there’s no doubt that you’ll excel in the journey as a lash Lift artist.

One thing that I really love most about the Triple Keratin Lash Lift is that I can be confident in the product and the service that I’m providing for my clients. It really is a line that I can stand behind and I love to talk it up to my clients because I know it won’t disappoint. I like that while enhancing my clients eyes, I'm also providing a deep conditioning treatment, education, and an overall relaxing and satisfying experience for them.
Which do I love more: Lash Lifting or Lash Extensions?
As a lash artist I get asked all the time by client’s which service I prefer doing, the Triple Keratin Lash Lift or Extensions, and this is the answer I always give:
Lash Extensions are fun because there’s the element of creativity and drama. However, lash lifting has more of an intrinsic value for me because with lash lifts, our clients fall in love with their OWN lashes, it’s all them baby!
It is so satisfying to show my clients their own lash potential and enhance their own natural beauty. There’s so much excitement and anticipation behind lash lifts as well. We can’t truly tell how lifted the lashes will be until we finish the whole service, so it’s just as exciting for us as it is for the client, which I LOVE.
So many times I get this reaction from my Keratin Lash Lift clients:
“Wow! Those are MY lashes?! I had no idea they were so long! They look amazing!”
Yes they are, and yes, they do!
Nothing beats that type of genuine reaction. It's so warming, and really makes you feel like you’ve made a difference in your client’s life.

My Own First Lash Lift at Keravie
Also speaking from experience as a lash lift client, I can attest that the Keratin Lash lift really has made a difference in my life. I used to also get lash extensions, but since getting my first Keratin Lash Lift, I’ve never looked back. My lashes naturally point down and are so stubborn to get curled with my lash curler, however with the Keratin Lash Lift, my lashes are beautifully lifted and curled day in and day out. No more lash curler, no more worrying about oil free products, no more mascara most days, and I honestly know my lashes are healthier than they’ve ever been.
As a lash artist I am so thrilled to be able to offer this innovative service for my clients, the science and skill behind it really is groundbreaking and I can confidently reassure my clients that it was made and designed with their lash health in mind.